Hi friends, this morning I will tell you about my travels when I am outside school My trip outside of class to the canteen was to hang out with friends and there were many students who wanted to buy food and drinks, there were posters in the canteen and there were also loudspeakers in the canteen and there were also plants in the canteen, in the school field there were students doing gymnastics and playing volleyball, I also communicated with automotive students and I walked around the school to take pictures of useless things around the school with Nuril and Andika, and I went up to room A201 RPU to see the tri-competition field and there were also many people exercising and running, after that we go back to class. That's all my journey for today, I wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Perjalananku ku saat diluar kelas ke kantin adalah nongkrong bersama teman dan terdapat banyak siswa siswi yang ingin membeli makanan dan minuman, terdapat poster dikantin dan juga terdapat pengeras suara di kantin dan ada juga tumbuhan di kantin, dilapangkan sekolah terdapat siswa yang sedang Senam dan bermain voli, aku juga berkomunikasi dengan siswa otomotif dan saya berjalan mengelilingi sekolahan untuk memotret hal yang tidak berguna disekitar sekolahan bersama Nuril dan Andika, dan saya naik di ruangan A201 RPU melihat lapangan tri lomba juang dan ada juga banyak orang yang berolahraga dan berlari, setelah itu kami pun turun kembali ke kelas.